Monday, July 28, 2014

I'm a Lumberjack and That's Okay

Now you probably have the song stuck in your head.  That's okay, too.

As we've been rebuilding the fence in the back yard (we believe in a safe environment for children to play in, just in case potential birth parents happen onto this blog) after a windstorm laid it down, we've run into a few problems.  A big problem has been time.  We've had so many other projects going on that it has taken an awfully long time to get the fence rebuilt.  Let's add to that the old fence was falling over because four trees had grown up underneath it and pushed it over, and it's easy to see that things start to compound quickly.

Recently, I've been taking out the trees, trying to get a stabile foundation for the fence.  The previous fence was 4x4 posts just planted into the ground - no cement or other methods to anchor it.  They completely rotted out.  It's been a combination of using a small chain saw, and cutting ailanthus trees (trees of "paradise", or commonly called trees of Hell), and trying to ensure we don't get a bumper crop of trees.  While I was at it, we had a spruce that needed to vacate the premise, too.  Because of a set of power lines, I had to take that one in half (not as bad as the ailanthus tree) :

Let's add in that for these ailanthus trees, there are actually two sets of power lines run along the fence line, so taking the trees down has been more of a precision and surgical action.  It's been getting really old taking those things down... but the problem trees have finally, successfully been removed, and it's been an "on to the fence".

Finally, I got the posts in today... and the basic side boards to get things ready to be finished.  This is the part that goes quickly.  Wahoo!

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